Buzz-Free Summer: Combating Insects with Aromatherapy

It's a warm summer evening, and you're lying in bed, sweating. Sleep finally starts to settle in and then you hear it – the annoying buzz of a mosquito next to your ear. Soon enough, you feel the first sting, and before you know it, you're the evening's snack again. There goes your sleep for the next hour. Lights on, and you're on the hunt for that flying disrupter.

Getting enough sleep in the summer is already a bit tricky with the long days and warm temperatures. On top of that, many insects come out to make your life just a bit more difficult. While many people keep a fly swatter in their bedside table, we prefer to solve it in a more animal-friendly way because insects are also essential for preserving nature!

Which scents repel insects?

Fortunately, insects also steer clear of certain scents. They're not fans of scents like Citronella, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and Peppermint. By using these scents in your bedroom, you can better enjoy your well-deserved rest. Whether you opt for a diffuser with essential oils, scented candles, or sprays, these natural fragrances can help keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay so you can sleep peacefully. As an added bonus, while insects despise them, we humans enjoy numerous positive effects from these scents, and they also smell delightful to us!

Taking matters into your own hands with insect repellents

  • An easy way to diffuse scents in your home is by using an aroma diffuser. Add a few drops of essential oil to it, and all those creepy-crawlies will stay away.
  • Another simple method is making a homemade mosquito spray. Mix some water, alcohol or witch hazel with a few drops of your favorite essential oil like citronella or eucalyptus, and spray it on your skin or into the air. You can also make a pillow spray with Lavender or Chamomile, which also has a positive effect on your sleep.
  • Additionally, you can use candles with essential oils. These not only effectively repel mosquitoes but also create a cozy atmosphere in your home or garden, double win!
  • For extra protection, mix a few drops of essential oil with your daily lotion or carrier oil and apply it to your skin before going outdoors or to bed.

Plenty of natural remedies to repel insects, indeed. So, you won't have to use the fly swatter through the bedroom at night anymore, and you can enjoy a lovely cup of tea in the garden in the evening. Are you going to try any of these tips? Let us know in the comments!








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